On Good Friday, the Church takes up its annual worldwide collection for the Holy Land—its people and its shrines. There are many necessary and noble causes needing our prayers and financial support. One of these is support for the Holy Land. This year help is needed more than ever.
We often hear of the persecution and maltreatment of Christians in the Middle East and may feel powerless and unable to do anything because we live so far away. All of us can help our fellow Christians in the Holy Land. We can personally make a difference in their lives through our prayers, fasting and almsgiving.
In a direct way the Good Friday collection helps the people and the Holy Land shrines. The shrines are the Holy Sites, including the Tomb of Christ. This year, as every year, monetary support from each of us is desperately needed by those struggling to maintain our Faith and our physical presence there. We can help to insure current and future generations of Christians in the Holy Land so that they can live and thrive there. Funds collected help to maintain the Holy Sites and support schools, parishes, and housing needs for Christian families.
This year, we are asked again to be generous. During this very difficult time the significance of this collection is greater than ever. If you gave nothing in the past, please consider making some type of gift. If you’ve given before, please consider giving again and perhaps increasing the amount, if you can. Please consider putting your gift in an envelope marked HOLY LAND COLLECTION and dropping it in the collection basket at Church or mailing it to the parish office. Envelopes are included in the monthly contribution packet for those who receive them. Collection baskets will also be available at the Good Friday services.
Christianity is rapidly disappearing from the Holy Land. For our brothers and sisters there, it is a daily struggle for survival. Please pray for peace in the Holy Land, and we ask all to join in their suffering by making a sacrificial gift. Through your generosity you join with Catholics around the world to stand in solidarity with the Church in the Holy Land, and become an instrument of peace in a troubled land.
We know this is a time where the needs for help are many—almost limitless. Good Shepherd parishioners have been very generous in supporting this collection in the past, and we ask for your continued support by your contributions to the Good Friday Holy Land Collection. Thank you in advance for your consideration and generosity.